Hi Dialog
I use a project to connection two slaves,when simultaneity connected ,about one minute it access the function "void wrap_platform_reset
(uint32_t error)", the error code is RESET_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL=0xF2F2F2,How to solve the problem? I trying to solve the problem I "#define DB_HEAP_SZ 2048" in da1458x_config_advanced.h ,keil compiling two errors: Error1: L6220E: Execution region ZI_RET20 size (9432 bytes) exceeds limit (8888 bytes). Region contains 2 bytes of padding and 0 bytes of veneers (total 2 bytes of linker generated content and Error2: L6221E: Execution region ZI_RET20 with Execution range [0x00080768,0x00082c40) overlaps with Execution region ZI_RET21 with Execution range [0x00082a20,0x00083000).
could you help me check the project!
Hi RandyYu,
Try to reduce the printing operations, this can cause the memory fails that you see. By changing the DB_HEAP_SZ will change the heap size of your database and that won't help you that much since you are a central. By setting the CFG_MAX_CONNECTIONS should be enough. Also with the project that you ve uploaded i am not able to connect since the connection command is under the condition for the TASK_APP to be APP_SCANNING and as far as i can tell there is no code in the application that sets your TASK_APP to that mode (in all of the occurences of APP_SCANNING the setting of the TASK_APP to that mode is commented). Anyway i suppose that you are getting too much advertising data and you issue a lot of printing commands and this causes the memory allocation failure, you can either reduce the printing functions or test it in a less crowded place.
Thanks MT_dialog
HI MT_dialog,
Thanks for the indication,I disable printing functions and test it in a less crowded place, test ok,why must test it in a less crowded place,maybe I getting too much advertising data ,
because of we want to connected a slave,after connection next slave,can you tell me how to solve this problem?I have uploaded the project can connection with slave's addr={0x**, 0x**, 0x00, 0xca, 0xea, 0x80}.
Hi RandyYu,
I dont quite get the problem, you want to connect to different slaves sequentially, without perfom a scanning procedure ? For example, you want to connect all the time the specific db addresses that match the bd address template ? I suppose that you can issue a connection to the next slave after you get a connection complete event for the slave that you have just connected.
Thanks MT_dialog
=> ble_examples\ble_app_barebone Project?
2. Android app , Bluetooth LE scanning APK
2. Debug with keil
3. breakpoint this cpde
void wrap_platform_reset(uint32_t error)
4. re "RUN"..
But return wrap_platform_reset()
Can you help me ?
Hi SeunDae Kim,
Please dont post questions to an allready answered thread since the topic of the thread is irrelevant with your question, you can always create a new post.
Regarding your question, on which SDK ? Have you altered the barebone example in any way ? The indication that you get usually occurs when you are running out of memory space, also have you configured your project to run perhaps for a different 58x and the actual module that you are using is something else ? For example a fw build for 580 running on a 581 module.
Thanks MT_dialog