From the DA14580 data sheet I do deduce that code execution will be possible by use of the OTPC memory bus interface. This would allow for application use of a considerable amount of additional RAM memory at the expense at probably higher power consumption and considerably more difficult software development? Is this assumption correct?
Is the AES engine accessible by user code when the BLE-Stack is running?
May the UART peripherals be operated from the 32 kHz clock source?
Is there a software reference manual available detailing the properties of the peripherals?
The DA14580 has been designed with ultra low power consumption in mind and OTP memory has a higher power consumption than SRAM, therefor it is not possible to run an application directly from OTP memory.
OK, then, seeing that code execution (and from the M0 architecture, I deduce also any read access) is not possible from the OTP, what is the amount of RAM required by the bluetooth stack modules (GATT,GAPP, L2CAP, etc.) together for code and ram (database, state machine, etc.) ?
I know that that depends heavily on the configuration. As an indication, it would, e.g. be helpful to have the figures of the memory requirement for a reference system, e.g. stack consumption for a blood pressure peripheral not supporting encryption.
我们正在努力啊n a document with the RAM requirement estimations for different profiles. At this moment these figures are not available yet.
The AES engine is only accessible by the user code when the BLE link is not using encryption.
No, only from the 16 Mhz clock.
At this moment a SW programming manual is not available yet.
How long time does it take to perform the "OTP mirror action" when waking up from deep sleep? This would be the time it takes for the application to start when waking up from deep sleep.
Full OTP mirroring action takes about 1.2 milli-second.
Best regards, Dialog Support Team.