Hi to all,
I'm doing some tests with the PAN1740 that mounts the DA14580.
I made an Android app that makes the connection with the device. I downloaded SPS application on da14580 from dialog website. I modified this application so that after it is made the connection, the da14580 send every 500ms a character, such as the character 'A'.
I can't understand if the SPS application sends a notification every time change the value of TX characteristic (SPS_SERVER_TX).
On Android I saw with method characteristic.getDescriptors() that SPS_SERVER_TX has two descriptors with these UUID:
The first one listed have notation "2902" would seem to indicate a similar behavior to the Client Configurator Characteristic in accordance with the bluetooth specifications org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.client_characteristic_configuration UUID 0x2902 ?
If yes, how should I set the descriptor for enable the notification of SPS_SERVER_TX changes?
Can I have DSPS android app source code?
Hi Giuseppe, I have sent an SLA for you to review for DSPS source code. I'll also forward your quetsion to our SW team.
BR JE_Dialog
Hi Guiseppe,
it is in the DSPS SDK under "\rhost_apps".
Best regards,
当对话框SPS给uarttoble FIFO数据,发送notify to client that new data are ready.
I resolve the problem with method setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, true) on android app (on SPS_SERVER_TX characteristic). It enables bluetoothgattcallback function on characteristic changes, otherwise it's disabled by default.