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Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-01-14 12:23


I have some basic problem with my setup and need your guidance. On my Expert Kit, when I compile and run the Blinky project, everything works as expected. All the other example projects (as I see it using the BLE part of the chip) will not even run to main_func, but ending up stuck in some interrupt handler or even Hardfault_Handler. What could be the problem?
Note: It is the DSPS i need in the end, I just tried the other projects in hope of finding a clue to the problem.


Hardware: Development Kit Expert, rev C2, with DA14580_CB_PX1_QFN48_078-13-A daughterboard
The dev kit is configured as in figure 9 in UM-B-014_DA14580_518 Bluetooth Smart Development Kit - Expert_v1.5.pdf

PC:HP DC7800 "standard PC" with Windows 7 32-bit

Keil: v4.74.0.22

Compiles and runs exactly as expected, no errors or strange things. Can be stepped and debugged. Led blinks :P

Compiles and runs, but does not bring up a visible BLE beacon. Does not reach main_func. If I single step through the code, disassembly window takes me through
- 0x200004A0 LDR R0, =SystemInit
- 0x200004A4 LDR R0, =__main
- 0x200004A6 NMI_Handler PROC BX R0
and then I get stuck at
- 0x000000E6

Compiles and runs, but does not bring up any visible Bluetooth device. When singlestepping it does exactly like the DA14580_dialogBeacon_3.40.6.zip does. Both this one and the beacon needs to exit debug session to get out of the 0x00000xxx address range, clicking RESET wont help. I checked the code and the UART input pins (RX and CTS) are configured as INPUT_PULLUP.

Like the above

Compiles, but reports No Cortex_M device found in JTAG chain. NOTE: If i run the Beacon project above again after this one, it works the same, so the Cortex device IS there...

Compiles, but reports No Cortex_M device found in JTAG chain. NOTE: If i run the Beacon project above again after this one, it works the same, so the Cortex device IS there...

Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-01-14 12:23
The issue has been resolved

The issue has been resolved thanks to very quick and efficient support directly from Dialog FAE. The problem was very "simple", as anticipated. The chip revision on my Expert Kit and all my boards happened to be -00, which apparently is not fully compatible. I acquired new chips from Dialog, -01 revision, and everything works like a charm. Of course we should have seen this at an earlier stage, but due to unfortunate circumstances we had little reason to suspect this.

Last seen:3 hours 3 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Thanks For the feedback Roger

Thanks For the feedback Roger.. I'll close this ticket. Glad one of the team was able to help you. BR JE_Dialog

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