可以not go to sleep within 2 seconds after just started?
hi support,
does it mean I can not go to sleep right after started? can I safely change the number? what is the minimal num? #define STARTUP_SLEEP_DELAY_DEFAULT 3200
STARTUP_SLEEP_DELAY_DEFAULT delay is important for the LP clock to settle properly. It has been extended to this value (3200 * 0.625ms = 2sec) to allow for JTAG connection to OTP-programmed devices. So, it can, actually, be reduced. The value can be modified to something like 800 (800 * 0.625ms = 500 ms) for the XTAL case. It is to be noted that the actual value depends on the characteristics of the crystal used. You should not set this value to 0.
This time is vital when operating with the XTAL32 as your low power clock, since you are NOT using an XTAL but with the RCX, you do not need to wait for this time.
Hi achao1104:
STARTUP_SLEEP_DELAY_DEFAULT delay is important for the LP clock to settle properly. It has been extended to this value (3200 * 0.625ms = 2sec) to allow for JTAG connection to OTP-programmed devices. So, it can, actually, be reduced. The value can be modified to something like 800 (800 * 0.625ms = 500 ms) for the XTAL case. It is to be noted that the actual value depends on the characteristics of the crystal used. You should not set this value to 0.
Hi. How low can it be set to if we use the internal low power clock, i.e. no XTAL?
Hi Joacimwe,
This time is vital when operating with the XTAL32 as your low power clock, since you are NOT using an XTAL but with the RCX, you do not need to wait for this time.
Thanks MT_dialog
Aha, so I can safely set it to 0 then? :)
Hi Joacimwe,
Yes, you can.
Thanks MT_dialog