Dear Dialog,
I would like to ask a few questions about the PMU_CTRL_REG[1] PERPH_SLEEP,
Q1: Datasheet says that I2C,UART,SPI,ADC goes to power down. Does "power down" mean if the clock of those blocks are
stoppped? or power supply to those blocks is gated and will have power on reset when it wakeup from extended sleep?
Q2: This operation is also applied to the GPIO block?
Q3: How about IO buffer's behavior which are configured as GPIO? IO buffers' level are kept before and after wakeup from
Best Regards,
Hi yterasaki,
Q1: Powerdown means that the power on those peripherals is gated and the power will be restored when the da will resume after wakeup.
Q2: Yes the operation is applied to the GPIOs also.
Q3: The GPIO's, if the latch is enabled, will keep the value before entering to sleep else will go in reset state.
Thanks Dialog staff,
Please let me allow one more confirmation.
Relating to your answer about Q3, when the retention of IO is not enabled and go to ext sleep, IO will be initialised by
hardware reset everytime after wake up from ext sleep. Correct?
Best Regards,
对不起,请修改我的question as following.
Relating to your answer about Q3, when the retention of IO is not enabled and execute WFI() instruction, IO will be initialised by
hardware reset everytime after wake up by internal BLE timer.(I don't use external wake up) Correct?
Hi yterasaki,
Thats right every time the da wakes up the GPIOs reseted. Every time you wake up from sleep you have to re-configure your GPIO's in the periph_init function in order to set the appropriate function and state. The periph_init function is called in the BLE_WAKEUP_LP_Handler.
Thanks MT_dialog
Dear Dialog staff, thank you for youe answer. fully understood.