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Craig Lyndon
Last seen:5 years 9 months ago
加入:2015-04-21 03:01


I am currently trying to evaluate the DA14580 module with the BASIC kit. I am running the template_fh project with the 3.0.6 SDK.
Advertising works fine until i try to run the project with CFG_EXT_SLEEP defined in the da14580_config.h file, the BLE stack does not seem to operate, and the module does not advertise.

Am I missing something to put the module in extended sleep between advertising packets?

Thank you.

Last seen:1 hour 58 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hi Craig, I'd suggest to

Hi Craig, I'd suggest to start with the Beacon project as an example to see how the sleep works : this is quite simple and straight forward. I'm also going to send you a provisional apps note that will help you.

BR JE_Dialog