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Data Transmission Speed for analog sensor

1 month ago

Data Transmission Speed for analog sensor

Posted byrobelhk10分 1 reply


I want to use DA14531 Tiny Module for reading and transmitting analogue input from the P0_2 port.

I want to read and transmit these inputs at a higher frequency let's say 50 times per second.

Is it possible?

Is there any example that I can follow to make this happen?



1 month ago


Hi robelhk,

Thanks for your question online. I would recommend first checking the following tutorial in order to understand how the ADV peripheral block can be used:

The SDK6.0.14 also included an example for ADC and is located in projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\adc\batt_lvl path.

The P0_2 is the SWCLK in the DA4531MOD, so if you would like to use it as ADC pin the JTAN should be disabled.

After the ADC reading is completed, you should use BLE notifications to transmit the values to a peer device. Please see the ble_app_peripheral example for this.

Question : the DA4531MOD should be connected to another BLE device, or it a beacon application?

Thanks, PM_Dialog