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Custom DA14531 integration onto existing PCB

1 month ago

Custom DA14531 integration onto existing PCB

Posted byhensonar25 points 1 reply


We are investigating the best way to add low cost BLE to an existing wearable design. The DA14531 SmartBond TINY™ Module provides the functionality we need, however will be too tall in add on top of the existing PCB.

My questions are as follows:

1. What is involved in replicating the modules functionality manually, onto an existing PCB? (adding passives, copying the trace antenna, etc)

2. Will this custom implementation require a tin shield over the components, like the TINY™ Module has? If not, what will be the implication of not including a shield?

3. Will there be additional certification required for use of DA14531 BLE as a wearable, in close proximity to human tissue?

Thanks in advance for your consideration to these questions. We are very close to including this chip into our next generation design, providing these above issues above can be addressed.

Look forward to hearing from you.


accepted answer!

1 month ago


Hi Andy,

Thanks for your question online and for your interest in our BLE solutions.

If the TINY module is too tall so cannot be fit on top of the existing PCB, the DA14531 SoC could be used following our Hardware Design guidelines (document link is provided below) to create a custom design and integrate it into your product.


This document provides the minimal reference schematic, circuit explanation, and design guidelines for BLE applications based on the DA14531 SoC. The document also applies to the DA14530, but only the configuration in DCDC converter By-pass mode.

There are also available Hardware Design Examples for the QFN/WLCSP packages covering all the DCDC configurations ( Buck/Boost/Bypass mode). All of them can be found on the DA14531 product page under the “Hardware Design Examples” section :

Link to DA14531 product page://

Another option might be the DA14531 Hongjia module – please check them out :



I believe that it would be easier / cheaper to develop a small custom design that can be added on top of the existing PCB rather than implementing a custom DA14531 from the scratch.

To answer your questions :

1. The DA14531 TINY module is configured in buck mode using the QFN package. According to Figure 1 from theDA14531 Module Datasheet, the following components are included :

a. 1 Mbit SPI FLASH (P25Q11U)

b. 32 MHz XTAL

c. 2 decoupling capacitors

d. A power inductor

e. A CLC filter and matching components for the printed antenna

2. The tin shield over the components are not required. It is only used to be allowed to sell the board as a module. So, if the DA4531 SoC is just integrated in your PCB, there is no need to add a tin shield over the components.

3. No additional certifications needed – please check the links below :

a.DA14531 EN 300 328 certification test report (WLCSP)

b.DA14531 EN 300 328 certification test report (QFN)

However, my recommendation would be to double-check this with FCC to be 100% sure of this.

Please let us know if you have follow-up questions and looking forward to supporting you!

Thanks, PM_Dialog