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IzoT ShortStack SDK

IzoT ShortStack SDK

该试剂盒非常适合创建可能需要多达254个网络变量和数百个配置属性的低到中档控制器和多功能I / O设备
The IzoT ShortStack SDK is a software development kit that enables any product that contains a microprocessor to quickly and inexpensively become a networked, Internet-connected smart device. Using the IzoT ShortStack SDK, developers can easily add LON and LON/IP networking to new or existing smart devices.

- The free developer’s kit includes the following:
- Development tools
- Application programming interface (API) source code
- 对话框的智能收发器和Neuron®芯片的固件图像。
- 用于创建自定义固件图像的库
- Example application source code
- 开发工具特征
- 向导自动生成网络特定的源代码
- 资源编辑器允许您查看和创建数据类型和配置文件
- 包括Compact(<4 KB)ANSI C源代码API,可轻松到任何微控制器,以及简单驱动程序的参考设计,通常在一到两周内开发
- 支持s the development of ISO/IEC 14908-1/14908-2 LON FT compatible devices using Dialog (formerly Echelon by Adesto) Series 6000, 5000, and 31X0 processors
- 支持s the development of LON/IP-FT compatible devices using the Series 6000 processors
- 使用简单的SCI或SPI串行接口与您的微控制器通信
- Speeds development of communicating devices using the IzoT Markup Language to specify the network inputs and outputs for your device
- 支持s applications with up to 254 network variables and up to 254 address table entries on Series 6000 processors for robust LON and LON/IP open standard control networking applications for new or existing products
- 集成可互操作的自动安装(ISI)协议库允许您开发不需要安装工具的设备
- Izot Shortstack SDK用户指南(2.16 MB)
- nodeutil和nodeload用户指南(412.68 KB)