伊佐SDK 2

伊佐SDK 2

IzoT™ SDK 2 LON/IP Protocol Stack
The IzoT SDK is a software development kit that enables developers to build communicating devices for the Industrial Internet of Things. The IzoT SDK includes source code for a LON/IP protocol stack that developers can port to a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Your devices can collect data from physical sensors built to monitor things including temperature, humidity, light-level, power-consumption, or moisture, and make the data available to other LON devices within a community of devices. Using data received from other LON devices or local sensors, your devices can also control physical actuators such as LED dimmers, motor controllers, damper controllers, and solenoids.

- 参考实施目标平台
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B或更新版本和Raspbian Linux
- BeagleBone Black with Ubuntu Linux
- 源代码可以移植到运行Linux、Microsoft Windows或其他带有POSIX服务的操作系统的其他兼容处理器
- Reference Implementation Target Flash Memory
- Raspberry Pi:4 GB最小SD闪存卡
- BeagleBone Black:2 GB最小eMMC闪存
- Available Application Development Languages
Python 3.2、C++和C - LON/IP堆栈限制
- 32,767 address table entries
- 32767同时传出事务
- 32767同时传入事务
- 提供LON/IP协议栈,用于在32位或64位处理器上开发网络应用程序亚博国际官网平台网址
- 支持使用以太网或Wi-Fi上的LON/IP、LON/FT、LON/PL-20和其他本机IP或本机LON介质进行通信的设备
- 支持复杂的控制器支持to 32,767 address table entries and 32,767 simultaneous outgoing and incoming transactions
- 包括Linux的LON/IP源代码,您可以将其移植到其他处理器和操作系统
- 包括Raspbian的Raspberry Pi和Ubuntu的BeagleBone Black的示例端口
- Available for免费下载