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The iW1790 is a 27 W output, high performance AC/DCRapidCharge™power supply controller that integrates Dialog’sXM-Comm技术,从旅行适配器中删除所有光耦合器,以降低成本并提高可靠性。该器件还采用先进的源计费技术集成了额外的高压元件,进一步降低了旅行适配器应用中的整体BOM成本。亚博国际官网平台网址该设备支持高通量3.0和2.0以及其他快速充电协议。
It is optimized to work with Dialog’siW662二次侧设备,其集成了速度充电interface IC and a synchronous rectifier controller. TheiW662uses Dialog’sXM-Comm技术将所有必要信息传输到IW1790,包括电压请求,输出电流限制,输出电压下划线,输出过电压和故障和复位信号。
A full array of protection features includes Dialog’sSmartDefender™advanced hiccup technology to address soft short circuits in charger cables and connectors, helping to prevent excessive heat build-up and damage.
Qualcomm®Quick Charge™ is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
输出电源高达27 W
XM-CommProprietary Secondary-To-Primary Digital Communication via Power Transformer:
VccSource Charging Technology – Reduces BOM and Keeps High Efficiency
RapidCharge™ AC/DC Power Adapters for Smartphones, Tablets and Other Mobile Devices Equipped with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0, Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 and other Protocols
To order a sample of any of our products, please complete the following form. We will provide up to five parts free of charge. Our sales department will provide pricing for samples orders exceeding five parts.
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