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The FT Router 5000 device is used to build high-performance LON routers, enabling multi-channel Free Topology (FT) networks with thousands of nodes in a single installation. The FT Router 5000 combines a Router 5000 core with an FT Smart Transceiver and can be used to build an FT-10 channel half-router with LON communication channel to route LON messages. The FT Router 5000 device includes embedded firmware that implements a half-router and is capable of supporting thousands of nodes using use one of four routing algorithms: configured router, learning router, bridge or repeater. The ability to choose these options allows trading off system performance for ease of installation. The compact form factor of the FT Router 5000 minimizes the space required to develop a half-router. A half-router design that uses FT Router 5000 can be used with another half-router to function as a repeater or interface with other twisted pair physical media such as RS-485, TP-78, TP-1250 or LPT-11.
了解更多about the Benefits of FT Wired Architecture.

- 符合TP / FT-10通道
- Transmission speed: 78 kbps
- 数据通信类型:差分曼彻斯特编码
- 网络极性:极性不敏感
- Isolation between network and FT Router 5000 device
- 0-60Hz,60秒:1,000Vrms
- 0-60Hz,连续:277Vrms1
- EMI:旨在遵守FCC第15部分B和EN55022级B
- Designed to comply with EN 61000 specification
- ESD – EN 61000-4-2, Level 4
- Radiated electromagnetic susceptibility – EN 61000-4-3, Level 3
- 快速瞬态/爆发免疫 - EN 61000-4-4,等级4
- Surge immunity – EN 61000-4-5, Level 3
- 进行RF免疫 - EN 61000-4-6,3级
- 网络布线
- 24 to 16 AWG twisted pair (see Series 5000 Chip Data Book for qualified cable types)
- Maximum wire length with no repeaters:
- 500米(1,640英尺)在免费拓扑网络中
- 2700米(8,850英尺)在双重终止的总线拓扑中
- Maximum stub length in doubly-terminated Bus Topology: 3m (9.8 feet)
- Network Termination (see Series 5000 Chip Data Book for details):
- One terminator in Free Topology network
- 总线拓扑中的两个终端
- 断电网络保护 - 无动力时的高阻抗
- 操作湿度:25-90%RH @ 50°C,非凝结
- Non-operating humidity: 95% RH @ 50°C, non-condensing
- 振动:1.5g峰顶,8Hz-2kHz
- Compatible with low-cost surface mount FT-X3 communications transformer
- 3.3V操作(5V容差数字I / O)
- 运行温度范围:-40°C至85°C
- 48pin qfn封装(7mm x 7mm)
- High-performance Neuron® Core and internal system clock that scales up to 40 MHz support development of high-performance half-routers
- 大缓冲大小允许改进的吞吐量和扩展网络变量(NVS)
- 用于外部EEPROM和闪存的串行接口,用于具有成本效益的系统设计
- Logical isolation between two half routers improves system reliability by isolating failures between channels