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- U10 USB Network Interface
- U20 USB网络接口
- U60 DIN USB扩展模块
- U60 FT USB Network Interface Module
- U70 PL-20 USB网络接口
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软件已为此开发DA14585.Development Kit (DK) – PRO,DA14531Development Kit (DK) –DA14531USB套件或者DA14531 TINY™ Module。它也是为Android和IOS平板电脑和移动电话开发的,允许在使用两个DA14585 / DA14531 DKS时仿真串行端口,或者DA14585 / DA14531DK and an Android or iOS device. The DA14585 DK can either function in the GAP central role, or the peripheral role. The Android or iOS device only functions in the GAP central role.
- 间隙中央/外围角色
- 基于GATT的双向串行链路
- Write without Response/Notification methods for data streaming
- 支持蓝牙流量控制
- Single point-to-point connection
- Automatic reconnection1 in case of link loss
- UART baud rates: 921600, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600
- iOS/ Android application
- 扩展睡眠模式支持
- 转移率取决于设备:DA14585 / DA14531最多可达580kpbs!
- 应用程序图像的内存大小为DA14531和DA14585的DA14531和〜32kbytes的28千字节。
Now also available for the DA1468x family with high throughput and support for central and peripheral roles! The UART baud rate is supported up to 921600 and data throughput of up to 640 kbps achievable (DA1468x to DA1468x)!
Date | 版 | |
DA14585.-DA14531 DSPS Source Code(仅限注册用户) | 11/06/2020 | |
DA14585.-DA14531 Release Notes of DSPS | 11/06/2020 | 2.0 |
iOS SmartConfig:App Store | 15/05/2020 | 1.0 |
Dialog SmartConfig Source code -iOS(仅限注册用户) | 14/05/2020 | 1.0 |
Android SmartConfig:Google Play | 13/04/2020 | 3.510.2 |
对话框SmartConfig源代码 - android(仅限注册用户) | 10/04/2020 | 1.0 |
DA1468x对话框串口服务源代码(仅限注册用户) | 23/03/2018 | 1.160.2. |
Dialog DSPS - Source Code - iOS(仅限注册用户) | 19/10/2017 | 3.220.4 |
对话框DSPS - 源代码 - Android(仅限注册用户) | 2017/09/08. | 3.210.4 |
DA1468x Release Notes of Dialog Serial Port Service |
Date | 版 | |
UM-B-088: DA145x User Manual for Dialog Serial Port Service | 23/06/2020 | 2.0 |
UM-B-084:DA1468X对话框串行端口服务用户手册 | 17/09/2018 | 1.1 |
Date | 版 | |
DA14580 Release Notes of Dialog Serial Port Service | 03/08/2018 | 1.0 |
DA14580对话框串口服务源代码(仅限注册用户) | 03/08/2018 | 5.150.2. |
DA14585.Release Notes of Dialog Serial Port Service | 24/11/2017 | 1.1 |
DA14585.Dialog Serial Port Service Source Code(仅限注册用户) | 24/11/2017 | 6.150.2. |
UM-B-088 : User Manual for Dialog Serial Port Profile (DA14585) | 24/11/2017 | 1.0 |
UM-B-038 : User Manual for Dialog Serial Port Profile (DA14580)(仅限注册用户) | 2016/02/12. | 2.0 |