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Open systems IP communication and control processor for LON and BACnet control networks

Neuron®6050处理器在硬件和固件中的单个芯片上采用了通信和控制功能,以便于设计工业互联网(IIT)设备并整合智能控制网络。Neuron 6050具有高性能的神经元核心,是Izot®平台的关键产品 - IIT的最全面和最开放的控制网络平台。该器件提供与LON和BACNET MS / TP设备的大型安装基础的兼容性,同时为LON / IP和BACnet / IP通信添加支持。结合外部闪存和通信收发器,神经元6050提供了一种非常灵活,低成本,功能增强的LON和BACnet解决方案,所有内容都在同一设备内使用单一应用。这种独特的功能使两个最受欢迎的工业协议能够同时通过同一媒体进行通信。神经元6050旨在提供前所未有的灵活性和开放性,同时降低智能建筑和工业设施的开发和设备成本。

- Supports worldwide communication standards
- ISO/IEC 14908-1 and 14908-2
- ANSI 709.1和ANSI 709.3
- EN14908.1
- GB / Z 20177.1-2006
- High performance
- Four independent cores to manage the physical MAC layer, the communication protocol stacks, the user application, and interrupts
- 高达80MHz系统时钟
- 64KB RAM and 16KB ROM
- 支持更大的外部闪存,高达256KB的应用亚博国际官网平台网址
- 唯一的48位IEEE MAC ID
- 支持多达254个网络变量(NVS),127个别名和254个地址表条目
- Supported channels via external transceivers (partial list):
- 双绞线TP / XF-1250
- Link-Power LPT-11
- RS485
- Peripheral interfaces:
- 用于外部收发器的5针网络通信端口(3.3V驱动器和5V容宽销)
- Serial interface for external EEPROM or flash
- 12 I/O pins with 35 programmable standard I/O modes
- Hardware USART
- Compatible with low-cost surface mount FT-X3 communications transformer
- 3.3V操作(5V容差数字I / O)
- 运行温度范围:-40°C至85°C
- 48pin QFN package (7mm x 7mm)
- Built-in LON, LON/IP, BACnet/IP, and BACnet MS/TP stacks provide compatibility with millions of LON and BACnet devices and enabling IP access to every Neuron 6050 based device
- 丰富的Lonmark和IoT标准配置文件和数据类型进一步降低了应用程序开发时间
- Easy migration of existing applications written for previous generation Neuron chips and smart transceivers
- 免费和免版税的Izot SDK与其他处理器简单集成
- Integrated flash file system for data logging and other applications requiring persistent storage
- 神经元6050Datasheet(2.37 MB)
User guides and manuals
- ISI Programmer's Guide(1.5 MB)
- IzoT BACnet Developer's Guide(830.47 KB)
- IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide(1.34 MB)
- Neuron Assembly Language Reference(2.28 MB)
- 神经元C程序员指南(1.39 MB)
- Neuron C Reference Guide(1.45 MB)
- Neuron Field Compiler User Guide(612.5 KB)
- 神经元工具错误指南(1.29 MB)
- Analog-to-Digital Conversion with the Neuron Chip(133.61 KB)
- Connecting a Neuron® 5000 Processor to an External Transceiver(389.19 KB)
- 使用LONWORKS免费拓扑通道的设计实践(307.8 KB)
- EIA-232C与神经元芯片连续连接(62.42 KB)
- I/O Model Reference for Smart Transceivers and Neuron Chips(1.72 MB)
- ISI协议规范(616.5 KB)
- LonWorks Protocol - File Transfer(94.91 KB)
- 神经元芯片正交输入功能界面(44.62 KB)
- 并行I / O接口到神经元芯片(94.76 KB)
- Scanning a Keypad with the Neuron Chip(34.79 KB)
- Series 6000 Chip Databook(2.17 MB)
- Understanding the Neuron® Firmware Address Table(116.21 kB)
- 使用SPI和Neurowire I / O对象模型与外围设备和微控制器接口(282.2 KB)
- 用神经元芯片驾驶七个段显示器(60.93 KB)
For technical support or information on how to buy, contact us directly.