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DA14580 Development Kit – Pro


TheDA14585 and DA14586are available for new designs.

DA14580 Board – Pro

Get ahead of the competition

This DA14580 development kit pro is ideal for software developers who want total control over their software development and want to keep an eye on the power consumption of their application. The Pro kit consists of a starter kit and a daughterboard kit.

The starter kit contains the motherboard that can be combined with one of several daughterboards depending on the targeted DA14580 package (WL-CSP34, QFN40 or QFN48) and gives you access to all of the package’s GPIOs. The kit’s on-board SEGGER chip gives you complete debugging capability while dedicated on-board circuitry allows you, in combination with our complete software environment SmartSnippets™, to profile and fine tune the power consumption of your application.

SmartBond™:power, size and system cost without compromise

Starter kit

Bluetooth low energy motherboard

Bluetooth low energy USB Dongle

CR2032 battery

USB cable

Quick starting guide

Daughterboard kits

The daughterboard kits to fit the start kit are available as follows:

  • 1x WL-CSP34
  • 1x QFN40
  • 1x QFN48

Ordering information

Motherboard: DA14580DEVKT-P

Daughterboard WL-CSP34: DA14580UNDB-P

Daughterboard QFN40: DA14580ATDB-P

Daughterboard QFN48: DA14580A3DB-P

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DA14580 Development Kit – Pro Digikey Mouser Avnet Silica Avnet US Farnell
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3 weeks ago

DA14580 Basic Devkit Bluetooth not Detected

Posted byjay8ee0 points 1 reply

Hi there.

I have the basic DA14580 devkit, but I cannot get it to start advertising with any of the examples so that it can be detected in Android, whether the system Bluetooth scanner or apps like LightBlue. I have also tried scanning for it in Windows.

I can build the samples fine and load them to the board using smart snippets toolbox 'booter' utility. I know this works because I loaded the blinky app and saw that working correctly (blinking green LED), I can also debug/run the apps using Keil.

AFAIK the button on the devkit is a reset button, so I don't think I have to press that to begin advertising. I also looked at the code and it doesn't look like it's waiting for a button press from a GPIO pin or anything like that. It should just be advertising on boot.

I am wondering if I have somehow cleared some essential data off the board, data that isn't part of the built applications, but I am clutching at straws with this.

Any ideas why I cannot see my devkit in LightBlue when running apps like the proximity reporter?



3 weeks ago


Hi jay8ee

If you are starting a new design or project, we would strongly recommend moving into DA14531 or DA14585/586 products and SDK6.0.14, as it is much more improved. We have a lot of code examples and improved documentation, and there is also software roadmap support. There is not any software roadmap support for DA14580 product family and SDK5.


We also have a DA14531 module, namely DA14531 SmartBond TINY™ Module! It has very small dimensions and is very low power. Follow the link below to find datasheet, documentation and HW collaterals for the module:


To answer your question, since you are trying to run the proximity reporter example of the SDK, this example is using the SPI flash. So, please place the jumpers in SPI position.

Additionally, I would recommend using the Flash Programmer of the SmartSnippets Toolbox to burn the SPI Flash.

Please try to run the ble_app_barebone examples of the SDK, as it is not using the SPI flash.

Thanks, PM_Dialog