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How many adv packets can DA14580 receive in each scan window?

5 years ago

How many adv packets can DA14580 receive in each scan window?

Posted byyterasaki0 points 3 replies

Dear Sirs,

Assuming that there are many peripherals in the area,

Q1: how many adv packets can central device receive in each scan window? I mean if scan window is long ebough, central device
can get many adv packets from different perhipherals or each one scan window can receive only one peripherals's adv pacjket?

Q2: How long is the kernel overhead to retrieve adv packet?

Best Regards,

5 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi yterasaki,

The central can receive multiple advertising packages during a scanning window and it depends on the scanning window length. If the scanning packets are using the same frequency in different time they can be discovered in the same scan window. What do you mean in how long is the kernel overhead ? how many packets can the stack deliver in the upper layer ? This has the limitation of the heap, if the heap of the da is about to overflow in a crowded enviroment the da will start to ignore messages.

Thanks MT_dialog

5 years ago

yterasaki 0 points

Thanks Dialog staff
I understand your message as the central can receive multiple adv packets within each scan window and stacked into the heap.
Also the overhead=time (the time when the da cannot receive new adv packet because it process the current adv packet) is enough
short than adv event time such as 2mS - 3mS.

Best Regards,

5 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi yterasaki,

The time that the da decodes a message is very short, we can't tell exactly how short (we haven't performed any tests) but i dont think that this will cause you problems in a bluetooth crowded place.

Thanks MT_dialog