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Ultra Low Power Wi-Fi A smart home alternative to Zigbee & Z Wave Webinar

Dialog Semiconductor offers the lowest powerWi-FiSoC in the world. With our breakthrough low power VirtualZero™ technology, IoT devices can now have a battery life of one year or more. This technology has the potential to replace existing low power technologies such as Zigbee and Z-wave. In this webinar, we explain how VirtualZero™ basedDA16200platform will disrupt the smart home market by simplifying the home architecture? Why Wi-Fi will become the ubiquitous standard in smart homes? And what enables us to offer lowest power Wi-Fi SoC in the industry?

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Ultra Low Power Wi-Fi A smart home alternative to Zigbee & Z Wave Webinar

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DA16200 Video

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The Promise of the Smart Home

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Ultra Low Power Wi-Fi: A smart home alternative to Zigbee & Z Wave Presentation(2.56 MB) (Registered users only)