使用GreenPak Designer模拟和仿真

使用GreenPak Designer模拟和仿真


仿真可用于所有GreenPak零件和仿真,在许多GreenPak IC上都提供。

图1 GreenPak Designer中的工具栏

When developing a design it’s important to be able to quickly test the functionality. GreenPAK Designer makes debugging effective and easy.

There are two ways to quickly check your design:

  1. 模拟
  2. Emulation

模拟simulates the operation of the circuit in conditions depictive of reality without the need of a physical IC. It should be kept in mind that simulation can’t provide for all the nuances of a real-world system.


  1. 如果设计已准备好进行调试,请选择调试按钮(图1)以转到仿真/仿真选择菜单。
  2. 接下来,选择要检查您设计的平台(图2)。


  3. 选择平台后,转到调试菜单,在其中将根据您选择的平台建议进一步的操作(图3)。
  4. If you need to change the platform, you can do this at any time by selecting Change platform (Figure 3).


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