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DA14585 connects to multiple tablets and vice versa


4 years ago

Posted byadvanchip@pacb…0 points 7 replies


I am using DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro with DA14585_SDK and Keil uVersion V5.23.0.0.

I understood that a device can act as a central and a peripheral at the same time. A central device can be connected to multiple peripherals as well as a peripheral device can be connected to multiple centrals. I would like to connect DA14585 to multiple tablets and vice versa. Do you have any example code to demonstrate these features? Do any SDK functions cover these functions?


4 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi advanchip,

Yes the device can acts as peripheral and a central at the same time via setting the gap role of the device in GAP_ROLE_ALL instead of just a central or a peripheral, as soon as you are done with that you should be able to advertise or scan (you are not going to be able to do both, you will have to cancel the scanning in order to initiate an advertising and vice versa) and then initiate connections. Unfortunatelly there are no multilink official examples for the 585, this feature of the 585 is still under evaluation, the stack has this kind of capability multiple masters to one slave and multiple slaves to one master, but example implementations are still on the way.

Thanks MT_dialog

4 years ago

advanchip@pacb… 0 points

Do you have any idea when will the stack and its example be available?

4 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi advanchip,

As far as i know this example will be part of the new SDK 6.0.6 release coming out on September, but i cannot tell for sure the exact date of the release or if the new SDK will involve the multilink example, it might also be released as a seperate design and not as part of the SDK.

Thanks MT_dialog

4 years ago

advanchip@pacb… 0 points

I was told that the 6.0.2 SDK is for an older silicon version, newer silicon versions operate with the SDK 6.0.4. Do you think the new SDK 6.0.6 will work with my existing hardware DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro (please see attached for my hardware information)?

如果我需要新的硬件,我怎么能区分I get the latest version of silicon? As of now, I can't tell the silicon version until I test it. If I order from digi-key; I have to take whatever they ship to me.

Attachment Size
DA14585 Development Kit Pro.pdf 63.63 KB
accepted answer!

4 years ago

MT_dialog -30 points

Hi advanchip,

Yes, since you are operating over the 6.0.2 SDK that means that you run on an older silicon, and no the SDK 6.0.6 will NOT work with the device that you allready have. All the 585 on the market at the moment should be on the latest version. In order to distinguish between older and latest silicon you will have take a look on the SoC, there is no different part number in order to tell which is a new and which one is old. The old silicons (the one that you should have) should indicate on the package AB000 and the latest should indicate AC or 00.

A mail is sent to the registered email address in order to replace the obsolete board that you have.

Thanks MT_dialog

3 years ago

JitendraBLE 0 points

Hi Dialog Team

I have a device acting as a peripheral which allows connection to multiple central.

Here, I need to restrict my peripheral device to allow connection to only a single central device. Once a central device gets connected to peripheral device then it should restrict other central devices to connect in either way like to stop advertising or by any other way.




3 years ago


Hi JitendraBLE,

According to the BLE specification you can advertise and be scanned by a specific device if you are aware of the bd address of the scanner and if you use directed advertising. You should add the central address in the .peer_addr_type of the user_adv_config structure in the user_config.h file. Then, use the app_easy_gap_directed_advertise_start() instead of app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_get_active() in the user_app_adv_start() with a proper bd address to field mentioned above. Also be aware that in direct advertising the PDU incudes only the bd address of the device. As long as you are connected with a central, when the peripheral ends the directed advertising the .app_on_adv_direct_complete callback function will be triggered. So, if you want to stop advertising you should implement the same functionality as the app_on_adv_undirect_complete callback function.

Thanks, PM_Dialog