


艾略特 斯文
我加入了“初级模拟设计工程师”,但自从模拟设计工程师推广,这是一种不同而有趣的作用,这是我需要密切合作的不同部门数量的优异的团队合作技能。我喜欢对话的原因之一是他们仍然是一个相对小的公司,所以你真的了解你所做的人并获得所需的所有支持和建议。亚博全网爱丁堡办公室本身很棒,在一个很棒的位置,我也喜欢我不断学习的事实。我很享受从第一天的真正责任 - 在我作为一个初级工程师的经验中,您可以给出一个“愉快的待办事项”,但在对话中,您可以立即获得更大和重要的项目。这让您立即帮助公司击中其目标并达到目标。亚博全网它让你觉得渴望直接成为团队的成员。
我开始在客户服务团队中的对话,3年后,我看到足够的企业来意识到我想要追求技术职业。有机会进球才能参与装配工程,我跳起来,并转移到装配工程技术人员的作用。我收到了对此职位的作业培训,这主要涉及生产内部原型和与大会分包商的联络,其中利用我已经从客户服务中的时间达到了我的技能。经过2年的技术人员,我决定进一步发展我的工程职业,并申请初级布局工程师的作用。布局工程上诉,因为它的不变,没有两天也一样。这是挑战但非常有趣,团队中有一群伟大的人。我已经通过我们的职业水平促进了高级布局工程师,获得了越来越复杂和各种项目的经验,并承担额外责任。我也有机会在几个混合信号项目中充当“领先地位”,我真的很享受。对话中的人民使公司成为巨大成功。亚博全网自从我第一次加入以来,有很多人仍然在这里工作! We have all grown together with the company – it feels like one large family. During my time here at Dialog I have got married, had two children and recently celebrated my 20 years’ service.
亚当 斯文
I joined Dialog for the first time on a 7 week internship through the UKESF scholarship program, for which I won the UKESF ‘Scholar of the Year Award’! I was based in Swindon for my first week, but then had the opportunity to travel to Tokyo for the rest of my time with the business. I was so excited about going to Japan, as Tokyo is one of the world’s most technologically developed cities and it was a dream come true to work there and see some of the country. The people in the office there were amazing – they really looked after me, making sure I settled easily into the city and the company and giving me real responsibility for my own work from day one. On graduating with a Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Southampton, I knew there was only one company I wanted to work for. I joined Dialog permanently as a Graduate Engineer based in the Swindon office and have never looked back. I love that Dialog offers the opportunity to travel and work abroad, and the size of the company is ideal – it’s still small enough that there is flexibility to gain experience within different areas, but it’s so ambitious and moving forward so quickly. It’s really exciting. I currently work within Dialog’s Advanced Technology group and am responsible for the new hardware and embedded software that will go into the next generation of Dialog products. The work is varied and comprises of design work and simulations, as well as spending time in the lab, and I’m able to work pretty independently but with lots of support available if I need it. Dialog’s Graduate Program is great – it’s tailored to me and offers all the challenges and learning opportunities I need to really develop my skills. It’s also offering me the chance to see offices in several countries and my longer-term plan is to relocate to Tokyo.

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