Adesto, IBM and NXP Demonstrate Robust End-to-End Security for Industrial IoT

Adesto, IBM and NXP Demonstrate Robust End-to-End Security for Industrial IoT

圣克拉拉,加利福尼亚州 - 2019年4月25日 -Adesto® Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: IOTS),IBM.(NYSE: IBM) andNXP®半导体(纳斯达克:NXPI)正在展示强大的解决方案,为智能建筑和工业互联网(IIOT)部署提供了新的安全性。Adesto的SmartServer™IOT Edge Server和IBM Watson IoT平台,由NXP的现成A71CH安全元素一起启用IOT设备,为企业安全地将其安全连接到IBM Cloud的业务提供额外的安全性。

IBM Watson IoT平台是一个托管,云托管服务,旨在使公司能够快速从其IoT设备连接和推导值。它使组织能够捕获和探索设备,设备和机器的数据,并发现可以推动更好决策的见解。Adesto的开放,可扩展SmartServer IoT.simplifies the complexities of interoperability between the diverse set of legacy systems, disparate devices, and the numerous emerging and traditional protocols in industrial and building automation to enable seamless and secure access to data. It provides built-in device and data management for sensors, meters, actuators and controllers through a growing range of protocols including BACnet, LonWorks™ and Modbus.

恩智浦’s A71CH这是'准备好IBM Watson IoT'是一个现成的解决方案,提供了芯片级别的信任(ROT)的根源,并在框中提供芯片到云安全性。通过与Adesto的SmartServer IoT集成,它使客户在将其建筑物连接到IBM的Watson IoT平台时,为客户提供额外的安全性,而不会为设备的使用寿命曝光键。


“IBM Watson IOT使客户能够最大限度地提高其物质资产的价值,”Sanjay Tripathi,战略和业务发展,IBM IoT的VP说。“我们正在继续展现在这个平台上实现技术支持的生态系统,以提供更大的价值。通过使用NXP来确保其A71CH安全元件预先加载到连接到IBM Watson IoT所需的证书,我们可以帮助客户简化其芯片到云安全和设备上的设备。我们还与Adesto合作,为客户的工业数据提供关键的连接到我们的平台。通过这些关系,我们让客户更充分地专注于从他们的数据中提取业务价值。“

“Adesto专注于使我们的工业物联网客户能够容易地拥抱其遗留环境,通过新兴技术扩展其边缘设备,并通过IBM Cloud等云分析平台的深层见解来增强他们的解决方案,”首席战略官Sohrab Modi说,adesto。“我们的SmartServer IoT提供了让客户解锁其工业数据的密钥。恩智浦的安全解决方案为客户提供了所需的安全和舒适程度,为客户采用公共云并受益于IBM Watson IoT平台。我们期待继续与IBM和NXP的合作,使客户提供这一令人兴奋的组合解决方案。“

恩智浦’s A71CH Plug & Trust Secure Element that is ‘ready for IBM Watson IoT’ features X.509 certificates and keys trusted by Watson IoT Platform and injected at NXP secure certified facilities. NXP’s trust provisioning service ensures keys are kept safe, and credentials are injected in a trusted environment. When embedded into devices, the chips have the necessary keys to establish a secure TLS connection with IBM Watson IoT enabling seamless device-to-cloud connections.

Demonstration at IBM IoT Exchange

The three companies will be highlighting the joint solution at theIBM IOT in Orlando Florida.

有关SmartServer IoT的更多信息,请访问亚博电竞菠菜cts/systems-and-software/smartserverfiot。安排个人演示,联系

About IBM IoT Exchange:

At IBM IoT Exchange, IBM will outline new offerings, client engagements, partnerships, technology breakthroughs and developer tools that underscore how IBM and partners are driving greater operational efficiency and effectiveness by applying the power of IoT data and artificial intelligence. For more information about IoT Exchange visit: follow the conference on Twitter at #watsoniot and #iotexchange. For more information on IBM Watson IoT, please

About NXP Semiconductors


关于Adesto Technologies Corporation

Adesto技术公司(纳斯达克:绝不认输)leading provider of innovative application-specific semiconductors and embedded systems for the IoT. The company’s technology is used by more than 5,000 customers worldwide who are creating differentiated solutions across industrial, consumer, medical and communications markets. With its growing portfolio of high-value technologies, Adesto is helping its customers usher in the era of the Internet of Things.


Adesto,Adesto Logo,Echelon,Lonworks和SmartServer是Adesto Technologies Corporation或其子公司在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。恩智浦和恩智浦徽标是NXP B.V的商标。其他公司,产品和服务名称可能是其他公司的商标或服务标志。亚博全网